Virtual Wildfire Forum
Last week, Christine helped the Fire Department put on a virtual wildfire forum that’s been streamed almost 400 times on YouTube. Over 60 questions were submitted ahead of time and Christine moderated a panel with Chief Darin White, Emergency Manager Quinn Gardner, and Sergeant Scott Eberle providing information about evacuation, preparedness, traffic flow, and more.
September is National Preparedness Month, so we will be working with Quinn all month long to help promote preparedness tips to the community. How ready are you? Get ready!
Canal Wi-Fi Project
About a week ago the first portion of the WiFi network went live and we’ve already seen hundreds of users try it out. We put signs in the areas with WiFi and made a map that shows which part of the neighborhood has access and what streets are “coming soon.”
Continued thanks to Public Works for helping with installation at the pump stations. We are installing a couple of key root access points on facilities that will be powered by generators so that in the event of a major power outage we can keep some of the network up.
Over the next couple of weeks other parts of the neighborhood will get access to the network as we continue to make progress with installation.
And, the Institute for Self-Reliance wrote this great article about the network.
Solano Strong
A couple of weekends ago we got a call from our friend Tim Flanagan, Chief Information Officer and Registrar of Voters for Solano County. He needed to stand up a recovery website by Monday and it was Saturday afternoon. Given our experience up in Santa Rosa during the Tubbs fire and subsequently building a template recovery site for Marin, we said we could help. So, we got a lot of snacks and yerba mate, and then Talia, Christine and I spent the next 24 hours building www.solanocountyrecovers.org. Tim joined the City Council meeting last Monday evening to say thanks. Happy to help!
Suspicious Phone Calls
Xantrion has received increased reports of suspicious phone calls received by their clients, as well as reports from various U.S. agencies warning of similar trends. As expected, cyber criminals are taking advantage of recent events and working as hard as ever to compromise company systems. Recently, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) issued a joint advisory (A20-233A) warning of an uptick in voice phishing (vishing) campaigns targeting remote workers. Learn more.