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Category: Tech Training

Snack and Learn: Using Trello to Get Things Done

At this Snack and Learn, the Digital team talks about how to use Trello to manage tasks and projects. This video covers: Kanban and Trello How to build a Trello board Using Trello for collaboration and teamwork

Record and Share Your Teams Meeting

This video reviews how you can record a Teams meeting, share the video in Microsoft Stream, and control who sees the video. When you are in a Microsoft Teams meeting, click the menu icon (ellipsis) and select “Start Recording.” This will start the video recording. After the meeting is over press the menu again and … Continued

Snack and Learn: How to Make a Great Flyer

At this Snack and Learn, the Digital team talks about how to make your flyer look awesome. This video covers: Intro to design principles, how to think like a designer Intro to Canva – Free online flyer design tool Tip on making a great design

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