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Digital Update: strategic planning, agile, and ad-blocking

Strategic Planning Sessions What’s our purpose? Why do we exist? Our management team is getting super existential and has begun work on strategic planning for the future of our Department. We’ve started by focusing on building vision and values that will serve as a foundation of our goals in the years ahead. Our vision is … Continued

Meeting with Purpose

Have you ever been in a meeting that could have been an email? Have you ever felt like a meeting was a waste of time? We are working to help change the culture of wasteful meetings and encouraging staff to respect staff time by using it wisely. We call our campaign “Meeting with Purpose,” and our … Continued

Digital Update: community engagement, major projects, and mail service changes

Community Engagement Team As our department grows into its new role we are planning the expansion of coordinated Citywide communication efforts with the creation of the Community Engagement Team, led by our Civic Design Manager Sean Mooney. This team will be a group of interdepartmental representatives charged with the strategic planning, coordination, and dissemination of … Continued

Digital Update: department reorg, printing with the County, and thank you to Getty!

Department Reorganization Hello, World! The Department of Digital Service and Open Government, approved by the City Council on December 17, is a reorganization of the Information Technology Division that will expand services to include citywide open data initiatives, performance measurement, service design, and community engagement, in addition to traditional technology operations, help desk support, and … Continued

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