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FAQ Topic: Purchasing guidelines

Complying with state and local laws and ordinances

As city employees, we are responsible for making thoughtful purchases in compliance with various state and local laws and ordinances that pertain to items like paper products and food service ware.   SB 1383, the statewide climate pollutant reduction law, requires that all paper products purchased by the city contain a minimum percentage of post-consumer recycled … Continued

Know (your funding source) before you go (out to bid)

Prior to proceeding with a major purchase or contract; confirm that funding is available for the project. If the purchase/contract will be paid out of a division’s annual operating budget, then check your department/division’s latest budget report as to whether sufficient budget is available for the remainder of the fiscal year. If the purchase/contract will … Continued

Making our tax payer dollars go far

All goods and services, including construction contracts, should be competitively procured or bid. City municipal code requires staff to purchase good or services at the lowest cost. This is why City construction contracts are awarded to the lowest, responsive responsible bidder. The responsibility to ensure you are procuring City goods and services at the lowest … Continued

Accountability to the public

All City procurement documentation (receipts, invoices, credit card statements) is public record and subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. With every purchase, consider: Is there a good explanation as to why the expenditure is appropriate? Has it been documented? Could the amount spent be comfortably defended under public scrutiny? Would you be free … Continued

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