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Product Management vs. Project Management

A product can be a service, process, report, policy, web application or website that satisfies the needs of a group of users. It goes through a life cycle, being developed and introduced on the market, grown and improved upon, and retired once it’s no longer needed. 

A project is a one-at-a-time endeavour with the goal of creating a product. It has a start and end date, as well as a defined outcome.

Product (Strategic) Project (Tactical)
  • Talk to users to gather info and requirements
  • Identify problems and opportunities
  • Define features
  • Know when a product is ready to move from alpha to beta testing
  • Know when to kill a product
  • Develop project timeline
  • Spot and minimize issues early
  • Assign tasks and deadlines
  • Manage task lists, materials, reports, and people to provide project team with their needs
  • Bring project to completion 

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