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Leaves of Absence

What You Need to Know 

The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and California Family Rights Act (CFRA) are laws that provide eligible employees up to 12 weeks of job protected unpaid leave in a 12-month period for:

  • Care of oneself or one’s family member with a serious health condition
  • Disability due to pregnancy, child birth, or related medical condition (does not apply to CFRA)
  • Bonding/caring for a new born baby, or adopted or foster child
  • Military Family Leave

Eligibility – To be eligible for FMLA/CFRA you must have worked for the City for at least 12 months, and worked at least 1,250 hours during the 12 months immediately preceding the start of the leave of absence. If you are not eligible for FMLA/CFRA and you are pregnant, you are likely still eligible for Pregnancy Disability Leave.

To Request Leave – Fill out Request for Family Medical Leave Form and send to Human Resources via interoffice mail, FAX to (415) 485-3191, or scan and send to

During your leave – While you are on leave, you are encouraged to stay in touch with your supervisor or manager, particularly if there are any foreseeable changes to your return to work date.

Returning to work – Before returning to work from medical leave, you may be required to provide a medical release from your healthcare provider (your return to work certification should include any and all limitations, if any).  You may also be eligible for modified duty or reasonable accommodation if you are returning to work with limitations. Modified duty is a temporary modification to the work assignment to help you transition back to regular duty.

Visit our Leaves of Absence page for links/forms

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