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How to I access City network drives and software systems?

To support working from home, we are using a solution called Remote Desktop. This will allow you to access the City’s network drives and common software systems from your home computer. You will be able to use most, if not all, of the software you are used to including all the Microsoft products, Eden, Trakit, HdL, Quadrant, and more.

If you are an existing VPN user, please use Remote Desktop instead as it requires less bandwidth and is more secure. We will be turning off VPN access on Friday, March 27 at 5 p.m.

Here’s what you need to do:

First, for security reasons, you will need to set up multifactor authentication (MFA) on your mobile device. This will protect the City network from cyberthreats. Here are the set-up instructions. If you need assistance, contact Xantrion at (510) 272-4701.

Next, go to to get access to Remote Desktop for Windows computers. Here are the set-up instructions for Windows computers.

If you need help – call (510) 272-4701 and a Xantrion technician will walk you through it.

A few notes:

  • Not all employees have access to Remote Desktop at this time. If you did not receive an email letting you know that you have access and think need it to perform your job, talk to your supervisor.
  • To use Remote Desktop, you will need a computer and internet access. Tech support is not able to fix hardware issues with personal computers or resolve home internet connection issues.
  • When using video conferencing like Teams, do not use Remote Desktop. Your camera and microphone will not work.
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