2017 Learning Lab Teams
Learn about the challenge topics and prototypes developed during the 2017 Learning Lab pilot.
Silo Busters (cross-departmental permit approval process)
Project Team | Laura Washburn, Lindsay Lara, Zak Baron, Paul Jensen, Michele Ginn |
Challenge Statement | The permit process is complex and involves many steps. A permit or other documents are usually routed to numerous people across divisions/departments. Inefficient communication across divisions/departments causes frustrating delays for customers and City staff during the permitting process. |
Solutions | Smart, electronic routing form that tells you how to route the customer based on their answers to simple questions (short-term)
Centralized permitting center for all City departments (long-term) |
A Perfect Storm (external communication)
Project Team | Dylan Frisbie, Barbara Reher, Ryan Kirkpatrick, Lauren Davini, Cynthia Morgan, David Catalinotto |
Challenge Statement | The San Rafael community is in need of regular reminders and education regarding the responsibility and maintenance of drainage structures. |
Solutions | Letters to property owners, pamphlets for maintenance workers to hand out, and banners. |
Knowledge is Power (internal communication)
Project Team | Lauren Monson, Henry Bankhead, Tiffany Haley, Jason Fong, Stacey Peterson, Jason Hatfield |
Challenge Statement | City employees need to connect on a regular basis to learn about what other departments do in order to facilitate collaboration. |
Solutions |
Regular events for employees to connect around spontaneity (battle decks, ignite, improv), learning (lunch & learn, teach-in, virtual reality), applied skills (speed coaching), making things (workshop, makerspace, cooking), and volunteering (trash pick-up, work-a-longs). A tour of the City, including facilities, parks, and neighborhoods. |
#2 (illegal dumping)
Project Team | Todd Berringer, Cory Bytof, Shirley Ng, Rob Cleland, Mark Wilkinson, Anthony Scalercio |
Challenge Statement | Increased illegal dumping in commercial areas is affecting the economic vitality and quality of life for people who work in San Rafael and is causing an excessive allocation of City and business owner resources. |
Solutions | Centralized reporting form, outreach and education to business owners about crime prevention through environmental design, potential increase to fines, and mini grants to businesses who make improvements to their property. |

NEO (new employee onboarding)
Project Team | Jamie Poirier, Vinh Pham, Sylvia Gonzalez, Joan Peck, Christine Sorensen, Helena Munoz |
Challenge Statement | To ensure the successful onboarding of a new employee, the hiring coordinator and involved departments need clear communication and defined roles and responsibilities from the new employee’s acceptance through their first year of work at the City of San Rafael. |
Solutions | An application that allows the hiring manager, applicable departments and the new employee to see all tasks and activities related to onboarding, due dates, assigned responsibility and status. |