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Human-Centered Strategic Planning Workshop

MayMay 10 2019

8:45am - 4:30pm Impact Hub SF

1885 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA 94103

Join us for a unique application of human-centered design as we walk you step-by-step through meaningful and impactful Strategic Planning.

See if this sounds familiar – you’re excited about the opportunity to do some high-level, proactive, strategic planning for your organization, and yet what you get is a one-off onsite “retreat” that is disconnected from reality, never integrated into the organization’s daily functioning, and never measured or tracked. What’s more, you feel like some of you and your staff’s input and ideas aren’t reflected in the final document. Then, the following year, you do it all over again and wonder what happened to the previous year’s plan.

In this session, we’ll lead you step-by-step through a proven and repeatable strategic planning process that will act as your organization’s north star. This is not your parent’s strategic planning process. It will be hands-on, practical, collaborative, and dare we say…fun! We’ll go beyond mission and vision and give you tools to establish a direct line of sight between what you and your staff do on a daily basis and how it achieves your organization’s mission.

Through this training, you will apply human-centered design to the strategic planning process of your own organization. We’ll cover:

  • Creating a vision that is more than a plaque on a wall, but one that you can see, hear and feel and acts as the driving force of your organization
  • Performing a gap analysis between where your organization is currently and where you ideally want to go
  • Aligning strategic priorities to yearly objectives that get translated into individual performance plans
  • Planning a strategic calendar, or cadence, that keeps strategic planning alive and relevant throughout the entire year

Who is this training for? Anyone who works closely with the public, including:

  • Government Agency Staff
  • Nonprofits and Foundation Staff
  • Social Entrepreneurs
  • Civic Technologists

Each person will work on their own organization’s strategic plan. No mock examples!

Can I bring a colleague? Yes! It’s even more fun that way.

Rated 9.1 out of 10 last session!

For questions, please email

Cost: $375

Register online here

CivicMakers strives to make our events and trainings accessible to everyone. Therefore, no one will be turned away for lack of funds, and discounts/scholarships will be assessed on a case by case basis. Please send us an email if you need financial assistance.

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