25th Annual Employee Bocce Tournament
Join us for an evening of fun & games with your co-workers
City employees and their families are invited to play, spectators welcome.
– Organize a team (or teams) of 4 people and choose a Captain for each team. Departments
are encouraged to have multiple teams, the more divisions and players involved, the better, and it’s only $10.00/team!
– Choose a Team Name. Keep in mind team spirit is highly encouraged.
– Raffle! Departments should contribute at least one raffle prize of $25-30 value.
Team donating the most desirable raffle item wins and extra special prize.
– Provided: Bocce equipment, tournament bracket/schedule, rules sheet & music.
– Teams Bring: Food & specialty beverages for their players & spectators.
REGISTER your team(s) by 5:00 pm, Mon. Sept. 9th. Complete the 2019- 25th ANNUAL CITY EMPLOYEE 9.18.19 form and return with payment to Ashley Howe at the San Rafael Community Center, 618 B Street.